News 14.02.2025 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 13.02.2025 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 03.02.2025 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 31.12.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 17.12.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.12.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 21.11.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 21.11.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 21.11.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 31.10.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 21.10.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 11.10.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 09.10.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 11.09.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 19.08.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 08.08.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.07.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 28.06.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 25.06.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.06.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 17.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 17.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 15.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 15.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 15.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 15.05.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 26.04.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 12.04.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.12.2023. 18.03.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 06.03.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 16.02.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 07.02.2024 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 19.12.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 31.10.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 18.09.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.06.2023. 14.07.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 19.06.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.03.2023. 07.06.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the Federation of BiH is hosting the Conference of the Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe 29.05.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 10.05.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.04.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 04.04.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.12.2022. 25.03.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 13.03.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 07.03.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 13.02.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Strategic priorities on the Management and Supervision of Climate-Related Risks and Environmental Risks in the Banking Sector for the 2023-2025 Period 23.01.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.01.2023 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Aktivnosti Agencije za bankarstvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine u 2022.godini 23.12.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Mr Jasmin Mahmuzić, Director of the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was elected as the BSCEE Group Chairman 15.12.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.09.2022. 30.11.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 04.11.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 21.10.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 21.10.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 28.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info FBiH Banking Agency's response to possible increase in interest rates - Decision on temporary measures to mitigate increasing interest rate risk 27.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 26.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 21.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Commission launch EU-funded follow-up programme to further support central banks and banking supervisory agencies in EU candidate countries and potential candidates from the Western Balkans 14.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.06.2022. 06.09.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 24.08.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 24.06.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.03.2022. 23.06.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 23.06.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 06.06.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija D E C I S I O N ON REPEALING THE DECISION ON THE TEMPORARY MEASURES TO BE APPLIED BY LEASING COMPANIES AND MICROCREDIT ORGANIZATIONS FOR RECOVERY FROM THE ADVERSE ECONOMIC EFFECTS CAUSED BY THE „COVID-19“ VIRUS DISEASE 06.06.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija D E C I S I O N ON REPEALING THE DECISION ON THE TEMPORARY MEASURES TO BE APPLIED BY BANKS FOR RECOVERY FROM THE ADVERSE ECONOMIC EFFECTS CAUSED BY THE „COVID-19“ VIRUS DISEASE 06.05.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 21.04.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.12.2021. 11.04.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 11.04.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 16.03.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 04.03.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 01.03.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification of Initiating Resolution Proceedings against Sberbank BH d.d. Sarajevo and a Temporary Suspension of the Settlement of Payment Obligations 28.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija EMB supports 28.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info A Decision on Appointing an External Administrator in SBERBANK BH d.d. Sarajevo 27.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 26.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 25.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 16.02.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 24.01.2022 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 28.12.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 21.12.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.09.2021. 09.12.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija The Deutsche Bundesbank, together with 19 national central banks of the European System of Central Banks, the European Central Bank and the European Commission, complete EU-funded programme to support central banks and banking supervisory agencies in EU candidate countries and potential candidates from the Western Balkans 02.12.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 27.11.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 10.11.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 08.10.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 08.10.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 04.10.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 16.09.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.06.2021. 15.09.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Success of entity banking agencies: European Commission decides on harmonization of banking regulatory and supervisory framework in BiH 14.09.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija FIA and FBA signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the data access segment 31.08.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 26.08.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 05.07.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 16.06.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 14.06.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.03.2021. 03.06.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 31.05.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 10.05.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija 23.04.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 20.04.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.12.2020. 24.03.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Request for action – managing non-performing assets and managing other risks that are related to the effects of the "COVID-19" virus disease pandemic 12.03.2021 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification of Continuation of Application of Temporary Measures and Possibility of Filing Requests for Moratorium and Other Temporary Measures - "COVID-19" 15.12.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti Notification of Revocation of the Company Vantage Business Leasing d.o.o. Sarajevo 14.12.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification of Publication- Supervisory Response and Expectations Regarding Bank Practices During the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic 11.12.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.09.2020. 04.12.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Financial education of citizens: special measures during COVID 19 21.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija What I need to know about types of interest rates 21.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija What I need to know about insurance and loan insurance 21.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija What I need to know about payment cards 21.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija What I need to know about loans 21.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija When to contact the Banking System Ombudsman? 05.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision Repealing The Decision On The Form And Time Limits For Submission Of The Banks’ Reports On The Effects Of Implementation Of The Special Measures Undertaken To Mitigate The Effects Caused By „Covid-19” Disease („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 70/20) 05.10.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision Repealing the Decision on the Form and Time Limits for the Submission of the Reports of Leasing Companies and Microcredit Organizations on the Effects of the Implementation of the Special Measures Undertaken to Mitigate the Effects Caused by „Covid-19“ Disease („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 70/20) 30.09.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Memorandum of Understanding Between Croatian National Bank (CNB) and Competent Authorities for Banking Supervision in Bosnia and Herzegovina 23.09.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.06.2020. 23.09.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 24.08.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press Release: Decisions on Temporary Measures to Be Applied by Federation of BIH Banking System Entities for Recovery from Adverse Economic Effects Caused by „COVID-19“ Virus Disease 05.08.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Notification "Instruction for Collateral Market Value Assessment“ 17.07.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Notification of Disclosures on Federation of BIH Banking Agency’s Website: Guidelines for Application of Decision on Management of Interest Rate Risk in Banking Book, Instruction for Preparation of Recovery Plans of Banks and Banking Groups in 2020 and Guidelines for Application of Decision on Management of Foreign Exchange Risk of Banks 01.07.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Request for Action – Systemic Risk Management Relating to Adverse Economic Effects of „COVID-19“ Virus Disease Outbreak 19.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.03.2020. 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision On The Amendments To The Decision On The Temporary Measures To Be Applied By Banks To Mitigate The Adverse Economic Effects Caused By „Covid-19“ Virus Disease („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on the Temporary Measures to be Applied by Leasing Companies and Microcredit Organizations to Mitigate the Adverse Economic Effects Caused by the Emergence of „Covid-19“ Virus Disease („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on the Temporary Measures to be Applied by Leasing Companies and Microcredit Organizations to Mitigate the Adverse Economic Effects Caused by the Emergence of „Covid-19“ Virus Disease („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision on the Supplements to the Decision on Credit Risk Management and Determination of Expected Credit Losses („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Decision On The Amendments To The Decision On Capital Calculation In Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on Foreign Exchange Risk Management in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Decision on a Correction of the Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on Supervision of Leasing Companies („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, 37/20) 12.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija A Decision On The Amendments To The Decision On The Minimum Standards For Documenting Financing Through Leasing Agreements And On Creditworthiness Assessment ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", 37/20) 04.06.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification of Disclosure of Amendments to Guidelines for Reporting to Federation of BIH Banking Agency on Application of ICAAP and ILAAP in Banks 21.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 31.12.2019. 10.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti A Decision on the form and time limits for the submission of the reports of Leasing companies and Microcredit Organizations on the effects of the implementation of the special measures undertaken to mitigate the effects caused by „COVID-19“ disease 10.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti Decision on the Form and Time Limits for Submission of the Banks’ Reports on the Effects of Implementation of the Special Measures Undertaken to Mitigate the Effects Caused by „Covid-19” Disease 06.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the F B&H has sent a Recommendation for temporary actions related to disbursement of pensions and other social benefits during the movement restriction for persons over the age of 65 06.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Recommendation for temporary actions related to disbursement of pensions and other social benefits during the movement restriction for persons over the age of 65 05.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification of Disclosure of Answers to Banks’ Questions on Implementation of Decision on Temporary Measures to Be Applied by Banks to Mitigate Adverse Economic Effects Caused by „COVID-19“ Virus Disease ("Official Gazette of FBIH", no. 22/20) 03.04.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti Public announcement: Moratorium for all citizens with reduced or unpaid personal income 26.03.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Further Clarification of Published Press Releases 23.03.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti Public announcement 21.03.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decisions on temporary measures of banks and non-deposit financial institutions for mitigation of negative economic effects of COVID-19 17.03.2020 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information for citizens regarding the situation caused by emergance of the „COVID-19“ virus 31.01.2020 | Ured za informisanje | Info Decision Relieving Liquidation Trustee of Komercijalna banka d.d. Tuzla of His Duties 07.01.2020 | Ured za informisanje | Novosti INFORMATION ON THE BANKING SYSTEM ENTITIES OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AS OF 30.09.2019. 29.11.2019 | Ured za informisanje | Info Decision to File a Proposal to Open Insolvency Proceedings over Komercijalna banka d.d. Tuzla, in liquidation 28.11.2019 | Ured za informisanje | Info Financial education for students in Tuzla 07.11.2019 | Ured za informisanje | Info Roundtable Held on Topic of Importance of Counseling and Financial Education from Perspective of Ombudsmen and Counselors 14.10.2019 | Ured za informisanje | Info BiH Federation Banking Agency Has Established Data Sharing on Potential Attacks on Banking Information Systems 21.06.2019 | Ured za informisanje | Novosti 24.04.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti 24.04.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Novosti Information on the application of Guidelines on ILAAP and ICAAP in a bank 24.04.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the Federation BiH presented Business Results of the Banking System Entities in the Federation BiH for 2018 02.04.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Financial education of young people through the lectures organized in schools and faculties 01.04.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Vienna Initiative, makes case for deeper financial integration in emerging Europe 26.03.2019 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija The Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Commission launch EU-funded programme for EU candidates and potential candidates from the Western Balkans 27.12.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Kategorija Decision on repealing Decision on minimum conditions for issuing license for execution internal payment operations for branches with bank headquarters in Republika Srpska (“Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, No. 103/18) 27.12.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision on repealing Decision on minimum conditions bank shall comply with to execute internal payment operations (“Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH”, No. 103/18) 10.12.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information on the presentation of the draft Decision on the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process and the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process in the bank, with accompanying Guidelines, Report on the ICAAP and ILAAP application and Instructions for filling it out 05.12.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info How to be a responsible user of financial services? 22.11.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Banking Agency of the FBiH and the European Central Bank 16.11.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info FBA Director participated in discussion on BiH held in the U.S. Capitol 13.11.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Notification 08.11.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Financial Literacy Educational Workshops for Teens 30.10.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the Federation BiH marked the World Savings Day presenting donations 02.10.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The first Regional Conference on Risk Management New Regulatory Framework in Banking – Stability of the Financial Sector, Credit Rating and Economic Development of BiH held in Sarajevo 12.09.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Memorandum on cooperation signed between Banking Agency of the Federation of BiH and School of Economics and Business of University in Sarajevo 19.07.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information for Citizens Regarding Variable Interest Rate 21.06.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the FBiH presented the business results of entities from a banking sector in Federation of BiH for 2017 29.05.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info 2018 Banking Conference: Director Mahmuzić on Challenges of Changes in the Regulatory Framework in the Financial Industry in BiH 17.05.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Agency of the Federation of BiH awarded the students of the School of Economics and Business at the University of Sarajevo for success at the International ProBanker Competition 15.05.2018 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information on the change of the FBA logotype 06.11.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Director Mahmuzić with FMA representatives discussed on the banking sector in BiH 16.05.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information for Citizens Regarding the Variable Interest Rat 14.04.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information on the Leasing Sector of the Federation of B&H for 2016 14.04.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information on the Banking System of the Federation of B&H for 2016 14.04.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Information on the Microcredit System of the Federation of B&H for 2016 17.03.2017 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Info about results of finished QIS 29.12.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Public notice on sale of business premises through tendering 14.12.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Agency of the FB&H and the Banking Agency of RS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany („BaFin“) 29.09.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Privredna banka Sarajevo d.d., Sarajevo Merged with BOR banka d.d., Sarajevo 21.09.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the F B&H Hosting SREP Seminar 20.06.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Moja banka d.d. Sarajevo merged with Investiciono-komercijalna banka d.d. Zenica 08.06.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the First Quarter of 2016 08.06.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Microcredit Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the First Quarter of 2016 08.06.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Leasing Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the First Quarter of 2016 13.04.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the FB&H and Banking Agency of RS Host Conference Titled „Supervision of Operational and Information System Risk Management“ 31.03.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Leasing Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015 31.03.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015 31.03.2016 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Microcredit Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015 01.12.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Leasing Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Third Quarter of 2015 01.12.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Third Quarter of 2015 01.12.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Microcredit Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Third Quarter of 2015 11.11.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Memorandum of cooperation 27.10.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of FB&H signs cooperation agreement with European Banking Authority (EBA) 16.10.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press Release on the Draft Law on the Conversion of Loans in Swiss Francs into KM 05.06.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Public notice on the sale of business premises through tendering 20.04.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info PUBLIC NOTICE on the sale of business premises through tendering 03.04.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Microcredit Sector of the Federation of B&H in 2014 03.04.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Leasing Sector of the Federation of B&H in 2014 01.04.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Sector of the Federation of B&H in 2014 20.01.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press Release on the Activities of the Banking Agency of the FB&H Regarding the Rise of the Exchange Rate of the Swiss Franc 16.01.2015 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press Release Regarding the Rise of the Swiss Franc 10.12.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Sector of the Federation of B&H in the Third Quarter of 2014 16.10.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Licence for Microlending Business Operations of Microcredit Foundation „PRIZMA“ Sarajevo Revoked 09.10.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press release 08.09.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Leasing Sector of the Federation of B&H in the first half of the current year 08.09.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Microcredit Sector of the Federation of B&H in the first half of the current year 04.09.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Banking Sector of the Federation of B&H in the first half of the current year 09.06.2014 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Invitation to all stakeholders to provide support for the overcoming and elimination of the consequences of floods damages and for the stabilization of MCO system 26.09.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Meeting held with the representatives of BRSA 22.08.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The reaction of the Banking Agency of the F BiH on the latest events in Post Bank BH Poštanska bank BiH d.d. Sarajevo 20.06.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info License revoked from Postbank BH Poštanska bank d.d. Sarajevo 17.06.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Bank Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe in Sarajevo 10.06.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Leasing sector of the Federation of BiH in the first quarter of 2013. 10.06.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking sector of the Federation of BiH in the first quarter of 2013. 10.06.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Microcredit sector of the Federation of BiH in the first quarter of 2013. 19.04.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info PUBLIC CALL for submission of offers for purchase of a business building/ premises 19.04.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info TENDERSKA DOKUMENTACIJA za kupovinu poslovnog objekta/ prostora 05.04.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Microcredit sector of the Federation of BiH in 2012. 05.04.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking sector of the Federation of BiH in 2012. 05.04.2013 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Leasing sector of the Federation of BiH in 2012. 13.12.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance of the banking system in the Federation of BiH in the third quarter of 2012 13.12.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance results of the leasing sector in the Federation of BiH in the third quarter of 2012 13.12.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance results of the microcredit sector in the Federation of BiH in the third quarter of 2012 11.12.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info TENDERSKA DOKUMENTACIJA za nabavku usluga čišćenja u poslovnim objektima Agencije za bankarstvo Federacije BiH 24.10.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Meetings held with the leasing companies' managements 18.10.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Microcredit foundation „ WOMEN FOR WOMEN International “ Sarajevo was revoked the license for performing the operations of granting microloans 10.09.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance results for the leasing sector in the Federation of BiH in the second quarter of 2012. 10.09.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The performance results of the microcredit system in the Federation of BiH in the second quarter of 2012. 10.09.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance of the banking sector in the Federation of BiH in the second quarter of 2012. 21.08.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Public Call by Postbank BH Poštanska bank BiH d.d. for additional capitalization, for acquisition or merger, and sale of assets with purchase of liabilities 10.08.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info P O J A Š NJ E NJ Etenderske dokumentacije za kupovinu/prodaju poslovnog objekta/prostora 26.07.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Call for registration of claims from Hercegovačka Bank d.d. Mostar under liquidation 06.07.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info A PUBLIC CALL for submission of offers for purchase/sale of business building/premises 06.07.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info TENDERSKA DOKUMENTACIJA za kupovinu/prodaju poslovnog objekta/ prostora 05.07.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The license for performing the operations of issuing microcredits has been revoked from the microcredit foundation „ MIBA“Tuzla 14.05.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of F BiH and Banking Agency of RS preside over BSCEE in 2013. 10.04.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance results of the leasing sector in the Federation of BiH in 2011. 06.04.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Performance results of the microcredit sector in the Federation of BiH in 2011. 12.03.2012 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Positive performance of the banking system in the Federation of BiH in 2011. 01.07.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Micro-credit license revoked from Micro-credit foundation „KARTAGINA“ Sarajevo 01.07.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Leasing License revoked from the leasing company Hypo Alpe-Adria Leasing d.o.o. Sarajevo 11.04.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Meeting of the Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe 17.02.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Public Announcement for recapitalization of Postbank BH dd Sarajevo 18.01.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Extended Provisional Administration Process in Postbank BH Poštanska bank BiH d.d. Sarajevo 12.01.2011 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banks and Microcredit Organizations may not name their officers or divisions an OMBUDSMEN 21.12.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Contract signed between Balkan Investment Bank AD Banja Luka and Una Bank d.d. Bihać 13.12.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Extended measures for renegotiation of credit liabilities of citizens and legal entities 09.12.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Press release regarding Una Bank 06.10.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Provisional Administration initiated at Postbank BH Poštanska bank BiH d.d. Sarajevo 18.03.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BIDDING DOCUMENTS for the purchase of office furniture 25.01.2010 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Tender za nabavku video - konferencijskog sistema 01.12.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Public Call for Additional Capitalization or Merger or Asset Sale of Una Bank d.d. Bihac 21.10.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Director of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Allan Reed visits the Banking Agency of the FBiH 16.07.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info ABS Bank changed name to Sparkasse Bank d.d. 01.07.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Tenderska dokumentacija za odabir računarske opreme 12.06.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BiH –Turkey: Banking supervision – Memorandum of Understanding 10.06.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Decision on Temporary Renegotiation of Citizens’ 29.01.2009 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info The Hercegovačka bank d.d. Mostar’s public bid for additional capitalization (purchase) or merger with (integration into) other bank is canceled 17.09.2008 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Provisional Administration of PBS Terminated 16.09.2008 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Supervision of the Razvojna banka FBiH (Development Bank of the FBiH) performance 19.06.2008 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Memorandum of Establishing Firm Coordination in Banking Supervision 15.04.2008 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Haris Ihtijarević, FBA’s MB Chairman, Zlatko Barš, FBA Director 15.04.2008 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info HVB Central Profit Bank integrated into UniCredit Zagrebačka Bank 11.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Erste bank entering BiH market 11.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info FBiH Government accepted an offer for Hercegovačka banka 10.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Verification of old foreign-exchange savings: Prolonged deadline 09.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Round table about finances mediation 07.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info UniCredit Zagrebačka banka : Acceptance of American Express credit cards 03.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info About performance of Investment bank of Federation of BiH 02.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking license for Ljubljanska banka has been revoked 01.11.2006 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Supervision of micro-credit organization (MCO) 16.11.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Operating license revoked from Gospodarska Bank Mostar 09.11.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Savings - two billion KM! 23.09.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING AGENCY OF FBiH Terrorist are not getting monez through Vakufska Bank 12.08.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING AGENCY OF FBiH Savings of 1.86 billion KM 20.07.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING AGENCY AND THE FBIH SUPERVISORY OFFICE FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES Agreement on cooperation of supervisory insurance 12.02.2004 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING SECTOR OF THE FEDERATION BIH IN 2003 Stabile increase of savings and loans 18.08.2002 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING AGENCY OF THE FBiH Citizens' savings - 1,339,000,000,00 KM 05.08.2002 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info BANKING AGENCY OF THE FBiH Banking license revoked from ICB Bank 28.03.2002 | Ured FBA za informisanje | Info Seh-in Bank will merge with ABS Bank, Depozitna Bank to Vakufska Bank and Camelia Bank will go into liquidation