Decisions, instructions, guidelines and reports | 04.04.2019

Decisions, instructions, guidelines and reports

Decision on the requirements for and restrictions on transactions with persons in a special relationship with the bank and the bank's obligation to report to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 89/24)

Decision on the requirements for and restrictions on transactions with persons in a special relationship with the bank and the bank's obligation to report to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 89/24)

Decision on Calculation of Bank Capital („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, number 98/23 and 13/24)

Decision on Calculation of Bank Capital („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, number 98/23)

Correction of the Decision On Calculation Of Bank Capital(„Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, number 13/24)

Notice for the purposes of Article 73 of the Decision on Calulation of Bank Capital

Instruction For Completing Bank Reports On Own Funds Credit Operational and Market Risks and Leverage Ratio

Instruction On Prudent Valuation Of Software Assets For Own Funds Calculation Purposes

Decision on the method of identifying a systemically important bank and determining the capital buffer for a systemically important bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 96/24)

Decision on the method of identifying a systemically important bank and determining the capital buffer for a systemically important bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 96/24)

Decision on the Internal Governance Systems in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Decision on the Internal Governance Systems in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Instruction on the Application of Individual Risk Management-Specific Standards in a Bank (Number: 01-2599/21 dated June 16th, 2021)

Decision on Disclosure of Bank Data and Information („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Decision on Disclosure of Bank Data and Information („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Decision on the Contents, Time Limits and Data Reporting Method for Comparative Presentation of Service Fees for Business Entities in the Internal Payments System Transactions And Interbank Fees for Payment Card Transactions („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 31/21)

Decision on the Contents, Time Limits and Data Reporting Method for Comparative Presentation of Service Fees for Business Entities in the Internal Payments System Transactions And Interbank Fees for Payment Card Transactions („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 31/21)

Decision on Large Exposures („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 81/17)

Decision on Large Exposures („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 81/17)

Decision on Liquidity Risk Management in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Decision on Liquidity Risk Management in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 39/21)

Instruction on the Method of Application of the Provisions of the Decision on Liquidity Risk Management in Banks on Calculating and Maintaining the NSFR (Number: 01-2374/21 dated June 03rd, 2021)

Instruction on the NSFR Reporting (Number: 01-3981/21 dated September 30th , 2021)

Instruction on the Method of Application of the Provisions of the Decision on Liquidity Risk Management in Banks on Calculating and Maintaining the LCR (Number: 01-2375/21 dated June 03rd , 2021)

Instruction for Completing the Liquidity Coverage Reporting Templates (Number: 01-4675/21 dated November 08th, 2021)

Decision on Recovery Plans of Banks and Banking Groups („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 81/17)

Decision on Recovery Plans of Banks and Banking Groups („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 81/17)

Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Recovery Plans of Banks and Banking Groups („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 26/22)


Decision on Outsourcing Management in a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 75/22)

Decision on Outsourcing Management in a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 75/22)

Decision on Foreign Exchance Risk Management in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 81/17 i 37/20)

Decisions on Amendments to the Decision on Foreign Exchance Risk Management in Banks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 37/20)

Decision on Reports Banks Deliver to the FB&H Banking Agency According to the Standardised Regulatory Reporting Framework (COREP) („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 41/24, 86/20,61/21 and 103/22)

Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Reports Banks Deliver to the FB&H Banking Agency According to the Standardised Regulatory Reporting Framework (COREP) („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 61/21)

Decision on the reports to be delivered by a bank to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the common reporting framework (COREP) („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, number 41/24)

Instruction for completing bank report on own funds, credit, operational and market risks, and leverage ratio (Number: 01-3328/24 of June 26th , 2024)

Decision on the Reports to be Provided by Banks to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Banking Agency for Supervisory and Statistical Purposes („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 103/22)

Decision on the Amendments to the Decision on the Reports to be Provided by Banks to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Banking Agency for Supervisory and Statistical Purposes („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 43/22)

Decision on Data and Information Delivered to the FB&H Banking Agency for Purpose of Developing and Updating Restructuring Plans of Banks and Banking Groups („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 44/19 and 61/21)

Decision on Data and Information Delivered to the FB&H Banking Agency for Purpose of Developing and Updating Restructuring Plans of Banks and Banking Groups („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 44/19)

Decision on the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process of a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 94/21)

Decision on the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process of a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 94/21)

Decision on the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process and the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process in a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 16/19 and 30/20)

Decision on the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process and the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process in a Bank („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 16/19)

Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process and the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process in a Bank (“Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH”, number 30/20)

Guidelines on the Reporting to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Application of ICAAP and ILAAP in a Bank - consolidated text- (Number: 01-1338/19 dated April 16th, 2019, Number: 01-2162/20 dated May 29th, 2020, Number: 01-934/23 dated March 07th, 2023 and Number: 01-598/24 dated February 07th, 2024)

Decision on Credit Risk Management and Determination of Expected Credit Losses („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 44/19)

Decision on Credit Risk Management and Determination of Expected Credit Losses („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 44/19)

Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Credit Risk Management and Determination of Expected Credit Losses („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 37/20)

Decision on the Measures to Strengthen Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Banking („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 85/23)

Decision on the Measures to Strengthen Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Banking („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“ number 85/23)

Instruction for Notification of the Offering of a Sustainable Package of Services for Financial Inclusion, Green Products and Products Aimed at Socially Responsible Financing (Number: 01-384/24 dated January 29th, 2024)

Decision on the management of interest rate risk in the banking book („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 98/23)

Decision on the management of interest rate risk in the banking book („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 98/23)

Instruction on the Application of the Standardised and Simplified Standardised Approaches to the Measurement of Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (Number: 01-701/24 of February 13th, 2024

Instruction for Completing Bank Reports on Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (Number: 01-3350/24 of June 26th, 2024)

Reporting templates_IRRBB

Decision on Setting Additional Own Funds Requirements and Measures to Limit Systemic Risks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 98/23)

Decision on Setting Additional Own Funds Requirements and Measures to Limit Systemic Risks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 98/23)

Rationale for the Introduction and Application of the Structural Systemic Risk Capital Buffer Rate

Decision on the Conditions for Documenting, Digitalization and Automation of a Bank's Credit Activities („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 85/23)

Decision on the Conditions for Documenting, Digitalization and Automation of a Bank's Credit Activities („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 85/23)

The Strategic Priorities on the Management and Supervision of Climate-Related Risks and Environmental Risks

The Strategic Priorities on the Management and Supervision of Climate-Related Risks and Environmental Risks in the Banking Sector for the 2023- 2025 Period

Guidelines on Management of Climate-Related and Environmental Risks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH“, number 57/23)

Correction of the Guidelines on Management of Climate-Related and Environmental Risks („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, number 69/23)