Banking Agency of the Federation of BiH is hosting the Conference of the Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe
Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBA) is hosting the 35th Annual Conference of the Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Easter Europe (BSCEE). Mr. Jasmin Mahmuzić, FBA Director, is also the BSCEE Group Chairman.
The Conference is taking place in Sarajevo from 7th to 9th of June 2023. The highest officials of banking supervisory authorities from 23 countries of the CESEE region will have an opportunity to discuss the key topics concerning the banking systems of countries of the region, as well as the most significant regulatory occurrences and experience in the banking supervision area.
International financial experts from the segment of banking supervision are also taking part in the event, to include also representatives of the World Bank (FinSAC) and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).
The focus is placed on cooperation and exchange of information between banking supervisory authorities from the region. BSCEE Group was established in 1991. In addition to FBA and ABRS, its members are banking supervisory institutions from Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine.
Special importance for Bosnia and Herzegovina, also in the context of organising and chairing this conference, if the status of equivalence of the regulatory supervisory framework that was confirmed by the European Commission in 2021 when the implementing decision was published that confirmed the equivalence of the supervisory and regulatory framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Thanks to ongoing strengthening of the supervisory capacities, thus resulting also in harmonised regulatory framework, Bosnia and Herzegovina is now in position to provide support to other regulatory supervisory authorities in the region and beyond to entail also a wide range of professional supervisory experience gained over the past three-year period, i.e. since continued Covid-crisis until exceptionally efficient adjustment to circumstances of macroeconomic disturbances over the course of last year.